
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Veronica Mars Series

Veronica Mars, the series, aired on television when I was a junior in high school. The show was perfect because she was a junior in high school as well, so I decided to watch it. I fell in love with the series when the pilot ran. Although her high school was nothing like mine, I came from a public Kentucky school that had a middle class and did not have the same drama that Neptune High had, I continued to watch the amazing series. In high school, I loved going to basketball games with my friends, but if they said lets go on a Tuesday night, I would always acted sick so I could watch the show. Anyway, I continued to watch the show until its cancellation in 2006(a horrible call by the CW).

Here is a little about the show and its three seasons:

The first season takes place in Neptune, a fictional town in California. Veronica describes her town as a place that doesn’t have a middle class. There are only the rich and the poor. And the rich get away with everything. She states that her father used to be the Sheriff but was taken out of office after he tried to find out who killed Lilly Kane, Veronica’s best friend.  He believes that it was Lilly’s father who killed her. I don’t want to ruin the show, so I will say that Veronica basically becomes a detective in training and tries to help her father, who is now a private detective, solve cases. And most of her school hates her because of her dad blaming the Kane family for Lilly’s death. Although true, she meets Wallace, a transfer student, who eventually becomes her new best friend. By the end of the season, Veronica solves the case and discovers who kills Lilly Kane. But also in the show, watchers fall in love with a show that is full with drama, sabotage, love, and friendship.

The second season of Veronica Mars is mostly about relationships, family issues, and friendships. It has all the diabolicalness of Season One, but it seems that there is someone out there that is trying to take Veronica Mars down. In this season, Veronica tries to solve the mystery to a bus crash that took the lives of several of her classmates. In this season, Veronica Mars solves who blew up the bus, discovers who she really loves, tries to stay at the top of her class, graduates, awaits the trial for Lilly’s killer, solves even more cases, and learns more about herself and who to trust.  But the best thing about Season 2 is when Mac and her become best friends! Furthermore, the ending goes out with a boom and is a complete nail biter.

The third season was probably my favorite season, after the first. Veronica enters college at Hearst, a fictional school. Although true, she does what everyone else does. She takes classes, meets some pretty cool people, and tries to survive academia. Pretty much what I did, but she seemed to do it better. I think it’s because she took more risks and was solving crimes (what was I thinking, haha). This season seemed to have two major conflicts: there is a school rapist, who raped one of her new best friends and tries to rape her; and there is a secret group on campus that leaked a sex video of her. Of course, Veronica solves both issues but there is a lot of drama that takes place in solving both issues. The end of the series ends with Veronica putting her father in a horrible place. In her revenge against the people who leaked her sex video, she might have caused her father to lose the Sheriff election because of a newspaper article that said that her father ruined evidence. Although she did this, Veronica votes for her father. Then, of course, the CW canceled the show leaving millions without knowing what happened to Veronica and wondering if Veronica’s father one the election.
The whole series is awesome and you will want to continue to watch it. There are so many nail biters, twists, and OMGs that makes the series amazing. I am hoping that someday there will be a movie! I will say that I envy Veronica because she solves some great cases and has some great friends. Plus her relationship with her father has to be one of the best I have ever seen on television. In the end, to me, Veronica Mars will always be a “MARShmallow.”

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