
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Top 5 - My Opinion of the Best


TV Shows
1) Revolution
2) The Mindy Project
3) B**** in Apt. 23
4) Falling Skies
5) The Walking Dead

1) The Hunger Games
2) Lincoln
3) Avengers
4) The Perks of Being a Wallflower
5) Pitch Perfect

Travel Destinations
1) Wizarding World of Harry Potter
2) Atlanta, Georgia
3) Nashville, TN
4) Columbus, OH
5) Louisville, KY

1) I Knew You Were Trouble
2) Call Me, Maybe
3) We are Young
4) Die Young
5) Gangnam Style

1) Throat
2) Hillbilly
3) Gay New York
4) Something Strange and Deadly
5) The Perks of Being a Wallflower

1) Tennis
2) Reading
3) Music
4) Twitter
5) Tumblring

1) 2012 Olympics
2) 2012 Election
3) Mayan Prophecy
4) Western and Southern Open
5) Andy Roddick's Retirement

Online Videos
1) Lizzie Bennett Diaries
4) The Guild
5) The Flog

1) Andy Roddick
2) Serena Williams
3) Michael Phelps
4) Gabriel Douglas
5) Nastia Liukin

People I Met
1) Nicholas Brendon (Xander from Buffy)
2) Felicia Day (Buffy, The Guild, The Flog, Supernatural)
3) Jason David Frank (Green Ranger/White Ranger - Power Rangers)
4) Wil Wheaton (Big Bang Theory, The Guild)
5) Brian Baker (USA Tennis Player)

Favorite Twitter Accounts
1) @Lord_Voldemort7
2) @j_benntt 
3) @mindykaling
4) @LauraB128

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Top 5 October (So far)

 Pitch Perfect - This is a movie that everyone needs to go see. I have already seen it twice!!!! I loved every single second of it! I was constantly laughing, it has some great movie references, it can a get a little emotional, the actors are amazing, and the music is insanely good. SO GO SEE THIS MOVIE! Or be Pitched Slapped! Furthermore, because of this movie, I keep wanting to remix/mash songs together.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - If you have already read the book, go and see the movie. The movie was awesome. It followed the book pretty well. Its a very emotional movie (and book) that everyone needs to see. I feel like everyone can relate to the film and the book. If you went to go see the movie, please don't let that stop from reading the book. Movies are never as good as the book!

Revolution - I am in love with this show. It has a great cast and an amazing story line. It keeps me wanting more. I hate having to wait a week to watch a new episode. I am always wondering what is going to happen next and what mysteries the producers/writers are going to provide in the next episode. 

The Mindy Project - If you love Kelly Kapoor from the Office, you will love Mindy's new show. She is hilarious!. I think that I love the fact that she is not afraid to say anything and just does what she wants to do. Plus she has awesome friends that she works with that makes the show even funnier. 

Southern Book Festival (Nashville) - All I have to say is wow! This book fest has to be one of the best I have been to and seen. I got to meet some amazing authors and even got to tour Nashville while I was down there. I hope I am able to go next year! 

Sorry...Its Been A Long Time

Its been awhile. I haven't been able to write much because I have been super busy with this AWESOME (SMH) semester. Classes have been rough this fall. I think they could be better but things are the way they are. Although the semester has been time-consuming and hard, I still have had a good time. Lets catch you up on what I have done since the last time that I have posted!

Well the rest of my summer was pretty epic. I went to the Western and Southern Open in Cincinnati. I got to watch Federer, Venus and Serena Williams, Andy Roddick, and Del Potro practice! I also got to watch a couple of matches. The highlight, of course, was watching my hero Andy Roddick. He was my inspiration in playing tennis when I was younger. Furthermore, it makes me sad that he has retired from the game. At the open I even got to meet Brian Baker who took a picture with me and also signed a tennis ball for me. Very nice guy!

Also, I attended Fandomfest in Louisville, KY. I had a great time because I got to meet Nicholas Brendon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Colin Ferguson (Eureka). Also, I got a bunch of free swag from the event.

In September, I attended the Cincinnati Comic Expo. In my opinion, I spent too much money. Although true, I had a great time with my brother Jeremy and sister Cassie. While I was there, I got to buy an exclusive Supernatural poster, Veronica Mars Season 1 and 2 cards, and some comics. I also got to meet Carl from the Walking Dead and Georges Jeanty, the artist for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics. Jeanty signed a couple of items for me and even gave me a free comic (#swag). He was pretty awesome and I look forward to meeting him again. Next stop, I am hoping to meet Joss Whedon! Moreover, while I was there I got to meet one of of my favorite heroes. Yes, Jason David Frank! If you do not who Jason David Frank is, well go back into hiding under your rock. I got nervous meeting the epic Green/White Ranger. All I have to say he is one of the coolest people I have ever meet! We talked for a few minutes and he signed a couple of my items I brought with me.

Also, in September, I went to the Decatur Book Festival in Atlanta. There I got to meet the authors Ella James (Here) and Erin Morgenstern (The Night Circus). Morgenstern drew a cat in my book. EPIC!

Furthermore, in October, I got to go to the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville. While I was there, I got to meet the historian James McPherson, Ron Rash (Saints at the River), Amanda Havard (The Survivors Series), Sharon Creech (Walk to Moons), C.J. Redwine (Defiance),  and Sharon Cameron (The Dark Unwinding). Also, I got bought a book signed by Jessica Khoury called Origins. My friend Kayla went on Sunday (I went Saturday) and got autographs for me from R.L. Stine (Goosebumps) and Jeff Hirsch (Magisterium). Overall the Nashville event was a great time.

But that is pretty much my updates for right now! Hope you enjoyed them and if you have questions let me know!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Top 5 of the Week (7/15-7/21)

This week's Top 5 is all over the board from television shows to restaurants to colleges.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Paranormal State Poster

So today my friend text me and said, "Our picture with Sergey made the official poster for the final field trip..." At first, I was like what is she talking about? Then I thought about it. I remembered that I turned in a couple of pictures of my Salem trip with Paranormal State (PRS) when they asked for them. When I saw the poster, I got very excited. Our picture is small on it but hey my picture made it, lol. Anyway, I am very sad that I won't be able to get the poster since I will be in grad school at the time the trip is occurring. Sad Day! But I am glad that people will get to see our memories. Here is the picture:

Monday, July 16, 2012

Love Always, Zombie!

I listened to Mandy Moore's song Candy the other day and it kind of remind me of Zombies. I was like wait this song is kind of awkward especially if we were in a Zombie Apocalypse! So I got really bored and re-wrote some of the lyrics for a potential zombie. I think it makes sense. Tell me what you think, lol. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Top 5 of the Week (July 8-14)

I have a unique Top 5 for the Week and I hope that you enjoy. The Top 5 ranges in many different genres and categories.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wandering Wednesdays - Salem, Massachusetts

One of my favorite places to travel is Salem, Massachusetts. There are several reasons that I love the city of Salem: its a New England state, its on the Atlantic Coast, its tourism, very Halloweenish, and, of course, the Salem Witch Trials. I have been to Salem three times and can't wait to go back again. Here are some highlights of my adventures and wanderings to Salem.

One of the first stops on your trip should be the Salem Witch Museum. The museum is very informative on the trials and has a wax-statue show that provides the history of the trials. It also has a little museum about witchcraft and a great gift shop. I found this site very beneficial when researching the trials.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Letter

So I was surprised but my letter has been picked and placed on the website for The Perks of Being a Wallflower Fan Letters. They probably pick everyone, but hey I was picked lol.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Throat (Book Review)

Author: R.A. Nelson

Rating: 5 out of 5

Warning: The following review has some spoilers.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Top 5 (Week 2)

This week has been kind of a cool week! A lot of events have been going on and I have done a lot interesting things. Wimbledon has been on my lists of things for this week, but I do not want to add it to this week's list since it was on there last week.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Awkward (TIA)

So I have been currently waiting forever and a day for the the Season 2 premiere of Awkward! Who hasn't? Season One was amazing and I now can't wait for more.

If you do not know what Awkward is, I shake my head at you. Its probably one of the best television shows that is currently on the air. The show is very comedic, very intriguing, and there is some, I mean a lot of, great drama. Furthermore,  I have learned some great new lingo like TIA (This Is Awkward) and DTR (Determine the Relationship). I love using these terms around people because I feel as if the only people who understand them are people who watch Awkward. Its kind of like our own little language!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

10 Literary Characters I Would Go On An Adventure With

People always say that they wish they were a part of a books they read. They love the stories and find a new reality that sparks their interest. I feel the same way when it comes to books. The details, characters, plot, and setting all make me want to be a part of the story line. Here are ten literary characters/books I would like to go on an adventure with:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rory Gilmore Challenge

So I was watching Gilmore Girls today...yeah I am a guy and I like Gilmore Girls. I love Rory and Lorelai Gilmore's family relationship and their wit. Well, the weird thing today is that my sister sent me a listing of all of the books that Rory Gilmore reads throughout the show. I have added the list but I have copied it from this Book Club Forum.

Now I am going to try to attempt, and I say attempt, to start reading all the books on Rory's list. Kind of excited but we will see how it goes! I will highlight the ones I have read and tell you when I read them.

Wimbledon 2012

Here are my brackets for Wimbledon. Probably way off but this is how I see it going.

Women's Bracket - Winner: Serena Williams

Wimbledon has had some very surprising upsets and some great matches so far!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Top 5 For the Week

Every week I am going to try to post a Top 5 for the week (usually on Fridays or Saturdays). Here is this week's Top 5:

Friday, June 22, 2012

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (Review)

Today, the Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter movie came out. As a history graduate student, I wondered how this movie was going to be made and how the history of the Civil War would be described. Although the movie left out a couple of things like Mary Todd being crazy, that Lincoln had two children, and Lincoln’s hatred for his father, the movie was still pretty awesome. I know, I know, you can’t have everything you want in a movie, but its history, lol!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Small Adventures Taken at the Beginning of Summer

This will probably be a short post but I thought I would add some info about some of my little adventures. Well this summer has been pretty good. I have had a lot of free time and need to be studying for the GRE soon and studying German.

Veronica Mars Series

Veronica Mars, the series, aired on television when I was a junior in high school. The show was perfect because she was a junior in high school as well, so I decided to watch it. I fell in love with the series when the pilot ran. Although her high school was nothing like mine, I came from a public Kentucky school that had a middle class and did not have the same drama that Neptune High had, I continued to watch the amazing series. In high school, I loved going to basketball games with my friends, but if they said lets go on a Tuesday night, I would always acted sick so I could watch the show. Anyway, I continued to watch the show until its cancellation in 2006(a horrible call by the CW).

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I read the book The Perks of Being a WallFlower about six years ago before I went to college. It was given to me by my sister who told me that I would really enjoy it. I would never classify myself as a wallflower and was like nah I won't find this book interesting. Boy was I wrong. This book was amazing. The characters, the drama, the emotion, and storyline makes this book one of my all time favorite books that I have ever read.

In the story, which is told in letters, there is a young boy named Charlie who is just entering high school. He is kind of clueless and doesn't have any friends. Although true, he is very inteligent. And wants to be a writer.

Later in the story he meets two siblings (step brother and sister) named Sam and Patrick. They become his best friends and help him learn and experience the world: through providing knowledge and life experiences.

I don't want to give the story away but the end is very emotional and even though some people may say they knew it was coming, I did not. I was completely shocked. I believe you be surprised as well.

New To The Blogging World

Hey everyone! I am new to blogging but I am hoping to provide readers with a look into my life and what I find interesting. You might be asking, “who is this guy?” Well I am an adventurer, graduate student, reader, athlete, seeker, and all around cool guy (well in my opinion). Here is hoping to a good new blog start and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!